Sunday, February 10, 2013


So our mother always said that to celebrate Lunar New Year, everyone had to wear R E D. Whether it was a dress, a top, some socks and mostly importantly your underwear (whose going to see it anyway Ma?) the point was to wear lots and lots of R E D. I never understood her and all the other Asian mothers' obsession with the color when I was little - I just did what I was told. In Chinese culture, the color red represents happiness and good fortune and is worn during times of celebration. So the more R E D you wear - the happier & richer you will be! Ma knows what's up. 

R E D - a color of power and love represents many social awareness campaigns to bring awareness to major health issues around the world today. So, whatever you are celebrating today: Lunar New Year, supporting the Go Red campaign to fight heart disease in women, or just want to make yourself feel a little more powerful - go at it ladies! Put on that bright R E D lipstick, those R E D stilettos, or that 
R E D lingerie set (Ma said so . . . )

Let's celebrate Happiness, Fortune, Power & Love! 

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